May 11-the Fishing Opener

It’s May 11, 2013, the day of the Governor’s Fishing Opener which is being held in the Park Rapids area this year. They are scrambling up north because many of the lakes haven’t lost their ice yet!I I was on my way into Willmar and just had to go back and take this picture. This […]

2 Loons at sunset

Just in the nick of time, a few clouds parted and we got to see that the sun really is there. 2 loons came to visit and sing to us. You can barely see them in the pink on Lake Florida. Life on the lake is great!  

5-8 Leaky waders!

  Having the ice go off of Lake Florida is one of the best signs of spring. This year, we have waited & waited & waited! Putting in the docks is an exciting time too. Being able to walk out and look at the beatiful water is so much fun. We have to wait for […]

5-7 A beautiful day at Dickerson’s!

We woke up this morning  in great anticipation that the ice would be gone from Lake Florida. It was not, but we think “today is the day!” There are many flowers still to be planted and with the sun shining it is a beautiful day to do it! This is a picture from the hill […]

A Majestic Resort Visitor

Today Bob looked out our kitchen window and there was an Eagle sitting on the Adirondack swing in front of cabin #7! We’ve never had one that close to us at the resort! Very cool!  

The last April sunset

Tonight was the last sunset in April at Dickerson’s Resort. We had to wait until the very end, but it was worth it. The crack in the Lake Florida ice shows hope for an ice off soon-we think! 🙂  

Signs of summer

There are many ways  it starts to look and feel like the vacation season is around the corner. The days are getting longer, the temperatures are warmer and play equipment starts arriving at the resort! Today we brought the hydro bikes home from storage. Summer can’t be far away now! The hydro bikes will be […]

Lake Forida sunset April 27

The sunset We don’t remember what the day was like at the resort, but the sunset was beautiful! A sunset is such a beautiful, calm way to end the day. We’d love to share our sunsets with you at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort. Make your reservations today!  

March 23-Fishing & Curling in Kandiyohi County

Fishing We blew snow in the morning again and then headed out from the resort to have some fun! Our first stop was the annual “Let’s Go Fishing” Fundraiser. We had Dad’s Belgian Waffles first and then headed to the silent auction tables and also participated in the live auction. This little girl got just […]