Sunset at Lake Florida

12-05-2016 The sunset was very narrow today, but just enough to let us know it’s still there!

What a difference a day makes!

11-26-2017 The sunset is totally different tonight across Lake Florida. It’s very foggy and we can barely see the trees on the south shore. Lake Florida has not frozen yet so the lake gauge is still in the water. This is getting really late for freeze up!

Friday night sunset at Dickerson’s Resort

11-25-2017 The sunset was beautiful again tonight. Lake Florida has not frozen yet, so it seems like another beautiful, fall night. We’re looking forward to another great day tomorrow!  

Cabin #5 – the roof

11/25 & 26/2016 This morning Keith, Travis & Justin came to put the roof boards on cabin #5. When they are finished snow and wind won’t be much of a problem! Sunset through the framed in lakeside windows. On Saturday morning Gigs from Perkins Lumber in Willmar came with the boom truck to set the shingles […]

Another day of work at Cabin #5

11-23-2016 The guys are back for another day of building on cabin #5. Projects to be completed today are: Wrapping the cabin in Tyvek &  framing in the lakeside windows and patio door and miscellaneous other odd jobs.Justin wraps the cabin in Tyvek while Keith & Nathan work on the lakeside framing. We thought Keith was here just to […]

If Connie makes Dickerson’s Donuts, will you come?

11-21-16 The snow made for a short week last week, but now it’s Monday morning and time to get back to building the cabin. One of the projects for today is setting the rafters. The first one went up at 8:30. The job would have been easier if the weren’t electrical line in the way, […]

An early snow at Lake Florida

11/18-19/2016 Things are about to change at Lake Florida. The weathermen are forecasting as much as 10 inches of snow so Keith & Travis went back to their other building project at Lake Andrew (a “cabin” 10 times larger than ours!) The snow started slowly, but it was wet & heavy. Look at Bob getting […]

A roof over our head

11-15-2016 Today Keith and Travis are building the ceiling of the main floor bedrooms or the floor of the upstairs bedroom depending on where you are standing.  🙂 Bob is keeping us warm and keeping things neat by burning the smaller pieces of wood.  It’s another beautiful day, we really don’t need a fire, but […]

An incredibly beautiful sunset

The sunset today was worth it’s own post. We hope you enjoy it!

Keith & Travis-take down that wall!

11-14-16 Keith & Travis are working on removing the top layer of the cabin floor. Say good-bye to the pink and tan floor from the 60’s! Do you think they need 1 more crow bar?  🙂  Bob just happened to have 2 more long ones they needed. I guess it’s a challenge for them to […]