Life at the resort

cleaning the raft

The girls helped Bob clean the swim platform

washing windows

Washing #6 trapezoid windows

going for a bike ride

Jessica, Julia & Emily off on bike ride

Gator ride

Bob & the kids going for a gator ride


Bob & Logan at the campfire

Lpumbing problems

Bob & Jerry fixing the plumbing

Numbers on swim platform

Jess helping Bob put the numbers on the swim platform

positioning the swim platform

Bob, Jess & Julia taking the swim raft out in the lakeI'm quite behind in showing you what goes on at the resort. These pictures are from the week of June 18-24.


On Sunday afternoon Jessica, Julia & Emily helped Bob scrub the swim raft. It didn’t get put in the lake that day  and then it would be 3 more days before it did because of crummy weather.



I know your not supposed to use the top step of the ladder, but sometimes that’s the only way to get the job done! Cabin #6 has very high ceilings.




On Monday Bob took the girls with him to Willmar so they could ride the Glacial Lakes Trail back to the resort. When they got to the trail head it was raining so they stayed with him & ran some errands. They tried again and were able to ride back to the resort. They were a little wet when they got back as the scattered showers found them as well as the spray from the bike tires. I think they had fun and did something they had never done before.



Thursday night was a Gator Ride” instead of a hayride. Logan loved Bob’s Gator and got to drive the entire trip to the Environmental Learning Center & back. Then we roasted marshmallows as always.













The toilet in #2 had a leak, so our plumber Jerry came to the rescue. They thought they had it fixed, but when we went back in later to check the problem was still there. Bob found the true problem and Jerry came back one more time. All is well!






On Friday Jessica helped Bob put the identification numbers on the platform and they were set to take it out to the anchor. Jessica and Julia had good eyes and spotted the marking bottle almost immediately. Bob dove down, got things connected up and it was ready. This was the easiest ever for Bob. Good help I guess. Thanks girls!