Monday at Dickerson’s Resort

Putting in a boat lift

4 Seasons putting in a boat lift


What a great day yesterday was at the resort. Little did we know that the dock crew from 4 Seasons Lawn and Beach would show up. We have been patiently waiting. The weather has not been helpful to them either. In addition to all of the cold, rainy, windy weather we have been having, most of the lakes are high. That means nearly everything needs adjusting which takes more  time than usual. Many people don’t have dock poles long enough when this happens and boat lift legs need to be let down. They were here for almost 4 hours and we’re not quite done, but they were tired and needed to quit. They had done many homeowners before coming here.

Sunset at Dickerson's Resort

Sunset 8:18


Again, here is a progression of the sunset across Lake Florida. Such a great way to end the day!

Sunset at Dickerson's Lake Florida Resort

Sunset 8:20

Sunset at Dickerson's Resort near Spicer, MN

Sunset 8:22

Sunset at Dickerson's Resort
Sunset 8:28