Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort sunset? 1-28-13

Yesterday, Sunday we didn’t have a sunset to show. Today was a very gray/white dayalso. Not much hope of a sunset, but I told Bob I had to show you something! I heard the weatherman say that visibility in the Willmar area was .22 miles. I thought -I can show you what we can’t see! We can’t see across Lake Florida!

foggy lake

View of foggy lake with moon reflections

It looks as though we have many, many full moons in this picture. It must have been snow/water particles in the air that lit up!

foggy lake

view of the Lake Florida point where the sunset should be

foggy lake with adirondack swing

Foggy lake - lonely adirondack swing

I guess you don’t need a traditional sunset to have pictures that are interesting, unusual or even beautiful. What do you think?