Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort 1-26-13 The moon & the sunset

moon over cabin

The moon setting over cabin #2


What a great day we had today looking at the sky over the resort. When I went out to get the newspaper the moon was high in the western sky across Lake Florida. By the time I gathered the camera and tripod it was in just about the perfect postition before it would go behind the cabins and under the next cloud. Taking pictures in single digit temperatures is a challenge. Wearing gloves is almost impossible and so is not wearing gloves! This is the best shot I got over cabin #2.




In the afternoon I looked out and wasn’t sure if the sun had already gone down behind the clouds, but ran out and snapped a picture. When I came back inside it was only 4:55. We had lots of sunset left! I took many more pictures. Here are 3-they were all beautiful. Such a difference from beginning to end!




Lake Florida sunset at 4:52

Lake Florida sunset

Lake Florida sunset at 5:05


Lake Florida sunset at 5:14


Lake Florida sunset at 5:18