The Ice & the Beach at Lake Florida

It’s been an interesting winter in the ice department. While most lakes have had very thin, bad ice Lake Florida has had good ice the entire winter for the fishermen and ice skaters. It has been a different story for the resort owners! The ice has been pushing and moving the sand up towards the wall which in the beginning was great. It’s always nice to have some sand “pushed up” from the lake to add to our beautiful beach!

The beach sand snake

The beach sand snake on January 4th, 2012

Sand snake on January 10

Sand snake on January 10-no snow!

All winter the ice has been shifting and groaning. It sounds kind of like a low fog horn or a train rumbling in the distance and once in awhile you get a “crack.” As the month wore on, the ice started to heave. It is the strangest we have ever seen (or remember anyway!)

Ice heaves at the creek

Ice heaves at the creek north of the resort Jan 26

Sand pushed up at the creek

Sand pushed up at the creek

The creek has also caused some problems. It “appears” to be coming out of it’s banks, which it is not, but the ice is up over the banks spilling onto our neighbors lawn encasing their boats and Bob’s mother’s boat lift. We have spent the last couple of afternoons raising all of the the boat lifts up so that the moving sand and ice don’t beak the legs (lost 1 so far)


Ice cavern in creek

Larson's Boats in the frozen creek

Larson's Boats in the frozen creek

Larson's boats in the ice at the creek

Larson's boats in the ice at the creek

Bob chopping ice

Bob takes his turn chopping ice

Connie chopping ice

Connie chopping ice

This was a lot of work! The back legs were encased it about 12 inches of ice. Thankfully it was kind of in layers so could chop away one layer at a time.

At the end of the project we were rewarded with a beautiful sunset!

Ice crater in sunset

Ice crater in sunset

I should probably tell you that this ice cavern became more of a crater when Bob broke through the ice! Thankfully, there wasn’t much water below. 🙂


Sunset from shoreline at the creek

The sunset

The end of the sunset at 5:25

Now you know some of the fun things we do in the winter!