1-8-12 at Dickerson’s Resort

Sunday was another one of those “didn’t know that was going to happen today” days! We had planned to go to 11:00 church since that was when Connie needed to sing in the choir. At the last minute, Bob decided we should go to 9:00 instead & then he would go to Menards and I would leave after the choir sang and we would be home by 11:30. When we got to church we were reminded that the youth had a pancake breakfast that we needed to attend. Our new Pastor, Stephanie came to sit with us. One thing led to another and we came back after the service to take her to meet a couple of friends in a care center. Then we were off to Home Depot and Menards. Many, many minutes later we were at Arby’s for a quick lunch. Ran into many people who we knew and chatted with them.  Off to buy some cards, to Walmart and home. Oh no, Bob had to see the ice boats on Green Lake in Spicer one more time! We were finally home at 4:15! There was a message on the answering machine that our computer was fixed so I drove to Pennock to pick it up. It was ‘sunset time’ so I grabbed the camera hoping to get some great pictures on the way.

This is the sunset as I saw it-

sunset at 4:58

sunset at 4:58

sunset at 5:00

sunset at 5:00

sunset at 5:16

sunset at 5:16

sunset at 5:18

sunset at 5:18

It is always so amazing how the colors and patterns change from beginning to end.

On the trip home I had the moon rising to focus on. It was so pretty over the farms and frozen ponds.

Moon rising over farm

Moon rising over farm

It was a beautiful trip and I am thankful to have my computer up and running again!