We’re a “little nutty” at Lake Florida!

We are very fortunate to have many trees at the resort to provide shade for the cabins. With each tree there is always a nut or seed that falls needing clean up! Many, many years ago, Bob’s grandfather brought a Black Walnut Tree in a coffee can from Lucan, Minnesota  where he was from and planted it at the resort. As you can see by the picture, it has grown to be a very large tree. Every fall in late September/early October we spend each day picking up walnuts. It’s funny, but we can never remember how many there will be in the end! It does change from year to year. This year, the walnuts were smaller than normal.

black walnut tree

Black walnut tree loaded with walnuts

This year we had more incentive to get them picked up before the squirrels got them! A gentleman who has land by Grove City, Minnesota wanted to BUY them! So we picked and picked! We took this truckload to the farm on October 10th.

black walnuts

Many, many gallons of black walnuts

After delivering this truckload of walnuts we picked up 2 more 30 gallon cans!

Our first load was:

9 – 33 gallon cans

1 – 30 gallon can

4 – 5 gallon pails


2 –  30 gallon cans

There are aproximately 290 Black Walnuts in a 5 gallon pail.

How many walnuts did we pick?