The Sunset at Lake Florida 2-12-12

Sunday was another busy day. It was our day to work in the church office/welcome center so left home at 7:15 a.m. It was 6 degrees below zero!  The youth of Calvary Lutheran Church had a brunch to raise funds for their youth gathering this summer. After church we were off to our obligatory stop at Menards. Saved an extra 11% on the new door for cabin #13! Now off to Atwater to a spaghetti fund raiser put on by Farmers Union for scholarships. Looked all over town, but no fundraiser here! We drove around Green Lake and then stopped at Jahnke’s Foods in Spicer. Bought some beautiful steaks which we took home and grilled – medium rare steak on the grill with sunshine in the middle of February in Minnesota – it’s hard to beat! Baked potato and a salad were  just the accompaniment we needed.

At 2:30 we went out to check on the docks and lifts once again. From our kitchen window we can see that the ice has moved again. The sand snake is getting taller and fatter!

Lake Florida sand snake

The sand snake on the beach keeps getting fatter!

Sure enough, a couple of the lifts had shifted, fallen off of the blocks they were set on and now needed to be raised up again. After a couple of hours we had everything secured and went back inside. But wait, it’s almost time for the sunset!

5unset at 5:27 at Lake Florida

5unset at 5:27 at Lake Florida

Sunset at 5:31

Sunset at 5:31

Sunset at 5:40 at Lake Florida

Sunset at 5:40 at Lake Florida

I was just ready to take my frozen fingers and walk home. Turned around one more time to check the sunset-the sky now had a purple tint to it-who knew? 🙂

Sunset at 5:44

The end of the sunset at 5:44

In case anyone is interested, the spaghetti dinner is February 19th in Atwater starting at 11:00. There is also a silent auction and bake sale! Everybody come!