Nov. 1, back filling at cabin #9

It’s another exciting day at Dickerson’s Resort. Today is the day to back fill and put down pea rock in the crawl space of cabin #9. Wade from Swenson and Son’s Construction came with Johnny and Steig to help Bob get the job done. It was nice and sunny, but only about 20 degrees when they started.

cabin #9 foundation

Backfilling the foundation

At 10:30, Bob and the guys were treated to donuts on the sunny deck of cabin #12. They look happy to be working don’t they?


Donut break at cabin #12

Now it’s back to work. We are so thankful for our John Deere Gator we bought from Haug Implement in Willmar and the skid loader. Sure makes jobs like this easier!

cabin #9

Love this John Deere Gator

cabin #9

Putting fill in the crawl space

Must be getting warm at Lake Florida. A couple of the jackets have come off! 🙂

cabin #9

Pea rock for cabin #9 crawl space

The last layer for the foundation is pea rock.

The weather man says there is snow or rain coming. Now Bob has to figure out how to cover this from the elements.

Maybe the builders will show up and cap it before then!?