Meet our Guests!

Carrie sampling the 1st slush

Carrie & the 1st slush

Carrie has been staying at Dickerson’s Resort since 1989 when she was 8 years old. Bob taught her how to waterski behind a fishing boat with an 8 HP Evinrude motor.

One of Carrie’s favorite things in the store was the slush machine. Carrie had a charge account and didn’t hesitate to use it – still does!

In 2006 Carrie brought a new friend along to the resort. His name was Jay.

Carrie & Jay at Dickerson's Resort in Minnesota

Carrie & Jay



Jay liked all of the great things about being on a lake vacation at Dickerson’s – chocolate chip cookies, doughnuts, pizza, water skiing, fishing, bike riding, etc. He fit in well and we voted him a “Keeper.” Carrie and Jay were married in April of 2008.

July 2010 started a new chapter in this vacation story when Carrie & Jay brought their new baby Jackson for his first vacation. He was only 31/2 weeks old!

Carrie, Jay & baby Jackson

Jackson's first vacation at Dickerson's Resort

We’re looking forward to Carrie and her family returning for their 23rd vacation at Dickerson’s. If Jackson hasn’t learned to walk before he gets here we’d love to have him take his first steps on the beach at Lake Florida in Minnesota!