4-8-12 The sunset

Easter Sunday – We left home at 5:50 for sunrise services at Calvary. After the service the youth served breakfast and then I was off to practice with the choir. The choir sang at all 3 services. It was a wonderful morning at church!

At 1:00 we went to be with Bob’s family at his mother’s house just down the beach. We had a delicious meal. Travis, the middle nephew is engaged so we used Shutterfly & made a book about his life. We included pictures of his grandparents and parents weddings as well as baby pictures, family pictures, school pictures, etc. for his fiance’ Thea to ‘get to know Travis’ better. It was a good afternoon.


Travis & Thea looking at the picture book

The sunset on Easter was a beautiful orange ball – not many clouds.


Easter sunset at 7:52